RS232’den TTL’e çevirici adaptör, Aktarım oranı: 300–115,2 Kbps, 18 x 34 x 63 mm RS-232 sinyallerini TTL’ye dönüştürün. 300 bps ila 115.200 bps arası veri iletim hızı Seri RS-232’den TTL’e çevirici, RS-232C arayüzünün standart sinyallerini (TXD sinyallerinin gönderilmesi ve RXD sinyallerinin alınması) destekler ve bunları TTL\/CMOS düzeyine çevirir. Çeviricinin TTL tarafı 0–5 V arasındaki gerilimleri destekler. Harici akım kaynağı gerekli değildir. Patentli bir RS-232 yonga setinin kullanılması sayesinde RS-232 arayüzünün kullanıma hazır hale getirilmesine gerek kalmamaktadır. Bu sayede cihaz gecikmesiz olarak kullanılabilir. Adaptör, G\/Ç portlarının veri aktarım yönünü otomatik olarak algılar. Algılama için Handshake sinyali (RTS, DTR) gerekli değildir ve RS-232 çift yönlü mod uygulamaları için, TTL düzeyine uyarlayarak, yazılımda değişiklik yapılmadan tam uyumluluk sağlar. Bu sayede adaptör kullanılmadan önce yazılım ve donanım üzerinde değişiklik yapılmasına gerek yoktur. Technical Details EIA\/TIA RS-232 ve TTL\/CMOS’a uygun Her iki taraf için DB9 bağlantısı Çift bükümlü kablo veya STP üzerinden aktarım Aktarım modu: Tam çift yönlü,asenkron Aktarım oranı: 300–115200 bps Aktarım erişim alanı: 5 m Kullanım sıcaklığı: -40–85 °C Nem oranı: %5–95 Ölçüler: 18 x 34 x 63 mm Windows (2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7, 8), Mac & Linux ile uyumludur <\/p>
Great theme - we were looking for a theme with lots of built in features and flexibility and this was perfect. We expected to need to employ a developer to add a few finishing touches. But we actually managed to do everything ourselves. We did have one small query and the support given was swift and helpful.
We love to hear it! Part of what we love most about Modave is how much it empowers store owners like yourself to build a beautiful website without having to hire a developer :) Thank you for this fantastic review!
Great theme - we were looking for a theme with lots of built in features and flexibility and this was perfect. We expected to need to employ a developer to add a few finishing touches. But we actually managed to do everything ourselves. We did have one small query and the support given was swift and helpful.
Great theme - we were looking for a theme with lots of built in features and flexibility and this was perfect. We expected to need to employ a developer to add a few finishing touches. But we actually managed to do everything ourselves. We did have one small query and the support given was swift and helpful.
We love to hear it! Part of what we love most about Modave is how much it empowers store owners like yourself to build a beautiful website without having to hire a developer :) Thank you for this fantastic review!
Great theme - we were looking for a theme with lots of built in features and flexibility and this was perfect. We expected to need to employ a developer to add a few finishing touches. But we actually managed to do everything ourselves. We did have one small query and the support given was swift and helpful.